Radiation Isotope Products

We provide solutions to the end-users with regards to industrial source supply with turn-key services. Product range includes

Radioactive sources which are used in the radiometric process control systems for level and density measurement

  • Co-60
  • Cs-137

Radioactive sources which are used in the radiometric process control systems for thickness and weight measurement

  • Kr-85
  • Pm-147
  • Sr-90

The radioactive sources which are used in the oil and natural gas logging applications;

  • Am241/Be
  • Cs-137

Other capsuled closed sources which are used for industrial, training, R&D, calibration, etc. purposes

  • Ba-133
  • Ni-63
  • Am-241
  • Eu-152
  • Fe-55 vb

You can contact with us in order to get detailed information about the capsule geometry and activity for each radioisotope.